Tigers are interesting creatures. Whilst our first thoughts are of their orange fur and black stripes, followed by their cunning moves as they hunt for prey, there are other intriguing facts about tigers that you may not know.
One of them is about their sleeping habits. Whilst we prefer to have our Zs in a nice comfy bed during the night time hours when it’s dark, when and how does a tiger prefer to sleep?
In this article we shall take a look at the fascinating facts that surround the sleeping rituals of a tiger, from where they sleep, how they do it, and when. So, let’s get to it!

How Long Does A Tiger Sleep?
Due to tigers basically being big cats, you won’t be surprised to read this – but tigers sleep on average for around 18 – to 20 hours each day. That is a lot of time to dream!
Also, they don’t need anywhere particularly comthy to sleep either. Whilst your first thought might be a squishy area of grass, or something else that might feel comfortable, a tiger is more likely to sleep on rocks.
Having said that, they do sleep on grass, especially if it is a part of their wild habitat close by to other tigers that they are familiar with.
They might also sleep close to their prey – or basically just anywhere they decide is fit for them to grab a little bit of shut eye.
When it comes to sleeping next to their prey, this is because a tiger can spend several days eating. They will eat as much as possible, and then rest. This might involve taking some time out, or even falling to sleep.
When they wake up they can then spend more time eating, then sleeping. The cycle continues until there is nothing left of the prey.
Why Do Tigers Sleep So Much?
There is a reason why tigers spend so much time sleeping. The biggest reason is because they only use as much energy as they need to use. To put it simply, they rarely use more energy than they have to.
If they do use more energy, this means that they will need even more food. So, it makes sense for them to only use the energy required, otherwise they will have to do extra hunting and searching for food.
Once a tiger has spent the time hunting for prey – which can be rather lengthy – he or she will then sleep by the food source. There is also another reason for this too.
By sleeping next to the prey that has been caught, they can protect it from other tigers stealing the food.
What Places Does A Tiger Sleep?
Whilst we have stated that they like to sleep on rocks and near their habitat, there are other places too.
They like to be cool whilst they sleep and they might find this by resting in places like caves and bushes, but also under dense trees and in tall grass.
Once they have found some cool shade, they will lie down and sleep for the rest of the day.
No matter where that is, they don’t want to be distrubed, so even if it isn’t a favorite sleeping spot, they will make sure that it’s somewhere not to be disturbed!
How Does A Tiger Sleep?
Most tigers sleep on their side, and can look a little like a big version of a domestic cat – though don’t try and play with this one, it will not end well!
Whilst their preferred position is on their side, they do relate to the domesticated cat and enjoy laying on different areas of the body: the back, both sides, and rolling about the grass.
What Time Does A Tiger Sleep?
As we stated above, tigers tend to sleep after they have eaten, and they don’t really take note of day and night.
However, just like a house cat, a tiger is nocturnal so they do actually spend most of their time being active during the night, and rest during the day. This is why they mainly spend all day sleeping.
Because hunting for prey is very exhausting, they lack quite a bit of energy once the prey is caught, so it only makes sense that they rest until they feel energized again.
During the process of catching prey, their strength also weakens.
Going to sleep and relaxing helps them to rebuild this so that in a few days time they can go back out and hunt for more food.
Saying that, a tiger will sleep whenever it feels like it, though after a big meal and hunting are times when they will definitely want to relax and catch some Zs.
Final Thoughts On Tigers Sleeping
Tigers are wonderful animals that are known for their hunting skills and wonderful striped fur. Whilst many of them do have a favorite sleeping spot, they make sure that wherever it is, it is not in direct sunlight.
They will always prefer a shaded spot that keeps them cool as they rest and relax after a hard few hours seeking and hunting out prey in the hope of securing a tasty meal.
Due to them needing as much energy as possible for their next round of hunting, they can spend up to 20 hours sleeping. Whilst that is healthy for them, it most certainly isn’t so good for us humans!
What you may have realized is how close their sleeping patterns are to that of a domesticated cat which probably isn’t that surprising. Both are nocturnal creatures that like to spend most of their time sleeping.
So, now that you know how tigers sleep, how they do it, and where, take a look at the rest of our website for more interesting animal facts that you may not know about!
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