What do lions eat? What does a lion look like? How big is a lion? These questions might seem simple, but they are surprisingly complex.
In fact, there are over 20 facts about lions that you should know. Lions are large cats native to Africa.

They belong to the cat family, Felidae, along with tigers, leopards, jaguars, and cheetahs. The largest species is the African Lion (Panthera leo).
There are also two subspecies of lions: the Asiatic Lion (Pantherinae) and the African Lion (P. l. Leo).
Lions are carnivores, meaning that they feed primarily on meat.
Their diet consists mainly of antelope, deer, wild boar, reptiles, birds, fish, insects, and other mammals.
In this article, we are going to go through more amazing facts about these big cats that you may not know!
20 Facts About Lions
A Lion’s Roar Can Be Heard Up To 3 Miles Away
According to National Geographic, “A lion’s roar can travel for several miles in the open country because it travels at an altitude of around 100 feet above ground level.”
This means that if you’re camping near a national park or reserve, you could be awoken by a roaring lion. If you hear one, stay calm and quiet.
Don’t run or make any sudden movements. Instead, slowly back off until you have some distance between you and the animal.
Lions Sleep For 16 Hours A Day
During times when they are sleeping, lions tend to curl up into a ball. When they are awake, they spend their time resting in trees or bushes.
Lions sleep for this long because they need to conserve energy. During the day, they hunt for food and rest.
Lions Can Live Up To 25 Years Old
The oldest known lion was born in 1842. He lived until he was 26 years old. Today, most male lions live anywhere from 10-15 years.
Female lions typically live longer than males, living up to 21 years old.
The lifespan of a lion depends on many factors, including genetics, health, nutrition, and stress.
Lions Can Jump As High As 6 Feet Tall
Lions can reach speeds of up to 50 mph while running. But they don’t usually sprint. They prefer to walk slowly and steadily.
However, if they see something worth chasing, they will bound forward quickly. Lions use their front legs for jumping, so they can leap up to six feet into the air.
They can jump even higher than this. According to National Geographic, “the highest recorded leap was 8.5 feet”.
Lions Have Been Domesticated Since Roman Times
Lions were first domesticated during the Roman Empire. At that time, people would capture them and train them to fight gladiators.
After the fall of Rome, lions became extinct in Europe. It wasn’t until the 19th century that people began breeding lions again.
This new generation of lions was raised in captivity and eventually released back into the wild.
Lions Are Very Territorial Animals
If two lions meet each other, there is almost always going to be a fight. These fights aren’t just physical confrontations. They also involve threats and intimidation.
One lion will hiss at another and swat its tail against the ground. Another lion might try to intimidate its opponent by pretending like it is injured.
Sometimes, the biggest threat is ignored. Both lions will simply walk away from each other.
Lions Are The Only Felids That Purr
Felids include all members of the cat family except domestic house cats.
Felids are divided into four different families: Panthera (lion), Homotherium (shrew opossum), Proailuris (procyonid raccoon dog), and Machairodus (peccary).
The lion is part of the Panthera family. Panthers are distinguished by their mane and retractable claws. Lions are unique among felids because they purr.
They produce low-frequency sounds called rumbles or grunts. These grunts often contain content similar to those made by kittens and calves.
Lion Cubs Are Reared Together

When female lions give birth, they raise their cubs within the pride. Male lions do not take care of their young. Instead, the father leaves after mating with the mother.
Once she has given birth to her cubs, she raises them herself. She nurses them for about three months.
Afterward, they stay with her for an additional five months while she teaches them how to survive.
Lionesses Are More Aggressive Than Males
Because they are raising offspring, lionesses are much more aggressive than males. When males get too close to a pride’s females, they could risk getting killed.
While females will protect themselves from any potential danger, they won’t go as far as actual fighting. If a male gets too close, he’ll find himself eating grass instead of dinner!
Lionesses Are Loyal Mothers
Once a pride has formed, the mother will remain faithful to her cubs for life. She will protect them and watch over them, even when they become adults.
Because of this maternal instinct, she will nurse sick or injured cubs. In addition, she will help them climb trees and eat food.
Her loyalty doesn’t end once her children leave home. She will continue to look out for them, even if they start their pride.
Lions Can Get Their Water From Plants
Lions can use their tongue to collect water from plant leaves. Their tongues have special cells that push liquids upwards.
Then, these liquids come down through small pores on the bottom of the cell. This process is used by cats in many parts of the world.
For example, cheetahs use this technique to drink.
Lions Are The Only Cats Who Roar Together
When lions roar, they sound something like a cross between a growl and a snarl.
It is believed that this type of vocalization helps communicate with other groups of lions. It may also help scare off predators such as leopards and hyenas.
Lions Hunt In Packs
Lions live in clans known as pride. Prides usually consist of 2-15 individuals. Within the pride, there is a clear pecking order.
The alpha lion is the leader, and the rest of the lions know exactly where to place themselves. All the lions work together to catch prey.
They’re also very social animals. Pride members sleep next to each other. During the day, they play together. At night, they curl up near one another to keep warm.
Lions Are Territorial
Pride territories vary depending on the region. However, it is common for pride to claim land around its den site.
A pride’s territory consists of several hundred acres of land surrounding the den area. Territories typically change hands during times of famine.
One group will move into an empty area to feed until the next group moves in.
Lions Hunt During Storms
During thunderstorms, you might see lions running across open plains. These large cats don’t seem to mind the rain at all.
When they chase after gazelles, zebras, antelopes, wildebeests, etc., they often do so right before lightning strikes.
Lions Can Weigh 30 Stone
The heaviest recorded lion was caught in South Africa back in 1898. He weighed approximately 30 stone (or 340 pounds) and stood 7 feet tall at the shoulder.
Today, the average weight of a lion in the wild is about 250 pounds but some larger specimens have been captured.
Lions Are The Second Largest Cat On Earth
Next time you spot a big cat in the wild, just remember that it owes its size to some hard-earned genes.
Lions are the second biggest species of a cat behind tigers. That means they’re the second-largest feline, the largest cat, and the second most massive felid.
Males’ Magnificent Manes Tell A Story
Males begin growing their manes when they reach puberty. New hairs sprout along their backs and spread outward.
By the time a male reaches adulthood, his hair covers much of his body. His mane becomes a symbol of his power and dominance over females.
Lionesses Don’t Get Manes

Female lions start life without any hair. As they mature, new hairs appear on their bodies.
Unlike males, however, lioness manes never become longer or thicker. Instead, they stay relatively short throughout their lives.
Lions Are The King Of The Jungle
There are many kinds of cats in the world. But none of them are more majestic than lions. Lions are considered the king of the jungle!
This makes sense because lions spend almost all of their lives in the wilderness. They are solitary hunters who prefer eating meat instead of plants.
History Of The Lion Species
Lions have lived with humans for thousands of years. Early Egyptians domesticated lions to protect their livestock.
It wasn’t long before these powerful predators started killing people too! Lions were used in battles by both sides.
Eventually, the Romans hunted lions for sport. Their hunting methods eventually evolved into what we know today.
Today, lions still roam the African Savannah. Most of them live in countries like Tanzania, Zambia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, and even India.
There are fewer than 10,000 lions left in the whole world. Unfortunately, this number continues to decline.
Habitat loss and poaching are two main reasons why there aren’t as many lions as there once were.
Lion Conservation
Today, conservationists work very hard to save lions from extinction. The IUCN Red List has listed lions as vulnerable.
This means that there are less than 20,000 individuals left in the wild. Fortunately, there are also many zoos around the globe.
Some of them are dedicated solely to lions. Many other zoos house lions and other animals together.
People pay money to visit these facilities either daily or weekly. These places allow visitors to learn more about lions and help them survive in the wild.
Zoos also provide food, water, medical care, and shelter for captive lions. If you want to see lions up close, then visiting a zoo can be an amazing experience.
This is one way that you can help conserve these beautiful creatures.
Why Are Lions Endangered?
The biggest threat to lions is habitat loss. Humans need land for farming and ranching purposes. As a result, lions lose their homes.
Poaching is another major problem. Hunters kill lions for their fur, bones, teeth, and claws. These items sell well on the black market.
Other threats include disease, climate change, and conflict. For example, some lions die after being hit by cars while crossing roads.
Others starve to death because of drought conditions. And yet others are killed by poachers.
In addition to this, lions sometimes attack livestock. This leads farmers to shoot lions.
What Can Be Done To Help Save Lions?
Conservationists continue to search for ways to save lions. One way is through breeding programs.
Scientists hope to create healthy lion populations by mating pairs of lions.
Another method involves capturing cubs and raising them in captivity. At least 40 percent of these babies will grow up to be adults.
Some organizations such as the Born Free Foundation are working closely with governments and private businesses to conserve lions.
They strive to make sure that lions don’t become extinct. Additionally, they try to educate people about how important it is to preserve wildlife habitats.
There are many things we can do to help save lions. We just need to put our minds to it.
Hopefully, we can find a solution soon so that lions can live freely in the wild again.
Final Thoughts
So, there you have it! 20 amazing facts about lions that you may not have known! There are so many interesting things about these majestic creatures.
Hopefully, reading this article helped you understand lions better, and a little more about these big cats!
Lions are one of the most fascinating creatures on Earth. They are beautiful, smart, strong, and courageous. They are also endangered.
However, conservationists are doing everything they can to keep lions alive. Hopefully, this article has inspired you to do your part too.
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