What is the Jaguar Bite Force Vs. a Leopard?

Imagine your own worst nightmare—something bad enough that even trained professionals can’t swoop in and save you? That is the kind of nightmare a leopard or jaguar bite can be. Imagine being in the jungle, unprepared and out-gunned. Now, a much less daunting scenario but still terrifying, is the challenge of trying to understand the anatomy and bite force comparison between the two big cats. Let’s get ready to rumble!

This article will address the questions: What is the average bite force of a jaguar? What is the average bite force of a leopard? How does the bite force of a jaguar compare to a leopard? What is the jaguar bite force vs. a leopard?

Let’s investigate these topics and explore how experts measure the bite force of each big cat, and how you can prevent an unpleasant encounter with either of them… or both!
What is the Average Bite Force of a Jaguar?

The average bite force of a jaguar, which can weigh and be up to 6 feet long in length, is between 7 and 10 MPa (megapascals) (1). This force is roughly equivalent to that of the mighty polar bear, and it is more than enough to crush bone! So, if you encountered a jaguar, be sure to keep your distance, as it could likely bite right through your arm.
What is the Average Bite Force of a Leopard?

Next, let’s talk about the second fiercest cats in the jungle – leopards. Yes, the adorable-looking cats that you can find in zoos around the world can be some of the most dangerous out of all the big cats, and their bite force is no joke. The average bite force of a leopard weighting and ranging in size up to 9 feet, is between 800 and 1000 Newtons (2).

Though the average bite force of a leopard is almost half that of a jaguar, it has a wider and smaller jaw, making it capable of delivering a powerful bite. In addition, while a jaguar’s bite force is primarily used to tear through the flesh of its prey, a leopard is not just a predator but also a scavenger and has a jaw that is more suitable for taking chunks out of carcasses.
How Does the Bite Force of a Jaguar Compare to a Leopard? Now that we’ve gotten all of the basics covered, let’s compare the bite forces of a jaguar and a leopard. As we discussed previously, the average bite force of a jaguar is 7 to 10 MPa, while a leopard’s average bite force is 800 to 1000 Newtons. To put this into perspective, a human’s average bite force is between 300 and 500 Newtons, making both of these big cats significantly more powerful than the average human (3).

Though both of these cats have powerful jaws, they have different shapes and sizes and serve different purposes when it comes to hunting and eating. Jaguars have powerful, broad jaws that allow them to crunch through large parts of their prey easily, while leopards have smaller, more delicate jaws that let them take bites out of carcasses and smaller animals.

What is the Jaguar Bite Force Vs. a Leopard?

As you can see, when it comes to the question of “what is the jaguar bite force vs. a leopard?”, the answer is that the jaguar has a substantially higher bite force than the leopard. The average bite force of a jaguar is between 7 and 10 MPa, while the average bite force of a leopard is between 800 and 1000 Newtons.

However, this does not necessarily mean that the jaguar is the stronger or more powerful animal. After all, the leopard is capable of taking large chunks out of a carcass, while the jaguar’s strength is mainly used to crunch through the bones of its prey.


In summary, there is a significant difference when it comes to the bite force of a jaguar vs. a leopard. The average bite force of a jaguar is between 7 and 10 MPa, while the average bite force of a leopard is between 800 and 1000 Newtons. While this does not necessarily make the jaguar stronger than the leopard, it does show that the jaguar has a much higher maximum bite force than the leopard.

In addition, this article should have provided you with helpful tips for preventing an unpleasant encounter with either of these big cats. Remember, if you ever find yourself in the jungle, be sure to stay as far away from them as possible!

Joe Edwards

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